Wednesday, December 30, 2009


  • cold weather
  • many trees
  • icy
  • mountain
  • high
  • fun

Friday, October 2, 2009


As the moon hugs the earth, a mother hugs a child
She tucks him into bed to sing for a while
The child is tired and sleeps through the night,
Goodnight my young child, goodnight, good night

The sound is made round to a young humming bird
Who is listening to a song only to be heard
By those who are willing to sleep through the night
Goodnight my young child, goodnight, goodnight

She sings, and the tune is carried throughout
a humming bird nest to a raccoon lookout
Her raccoons are happy to sleep through the night
Goodnight my young child, goodnight, goodnight.

The Cat

the cat
the cat perches
the cat perches on
the cat perches on a
the cat perches on a fence
the cat perches on a fence waiting
the cat perches on a fence waiting for
the cat perches on a fence waiting for a
the cat perches on a fence waiting for a mouse

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Messy Room

Sophie had a frightful mission:
put her room in good condition.
shirts, socks, and underwear,
banana peels, a week old pear!
mushroom pizza, melted chocolate
stuffed inside her blue jean pocket.
now how would she attack this mess?
she buckled down and did her best.
Sophie was frightful and Sophie was mean,
but in the end, her room was clean.
It shinned, It sparkled like diamond galore!
until she opened her closet door.
things came tumbling into the den,
and poor, poor Sophie had to start all over again.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

tickle me pink

tickle me pink, tickle me yellow
tickle me with colors mellow
the sky is blue, the sea is green
some are dark and cannot be seen
day is light night is black-
the earth would like it's color back
with flowers to smell and rainbows to see
the earth is made of colors for me